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Powder Coating or Painting - How to Decide

  • By Rose Robison
  • 03 Oct, 2016

Both have their advantages. Here's what you should know.

Powder coating and painting each have their proper place. Here are tips to understand whether to select powder coating or custom painting for your next application. Van Industries provides custom painting and powder coating services in Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia, Reading, Allentown, Lancaster, York, Harrisburg, and surrounding areas, and to NJ, MD, DE, WV and beyond.

When you need a finish on your metal products, you likely will turn to one of the two biggest players in the market—the painters or the powder coaters. The decision is easier if you understand each process and are aware of the advantages of using one over the other. Let’s start with the procedure itself. 

Paint vs. Powder Coat PROCEDURES

Painting is the traditional process of applying a liquid paint to a metal product for finishing. Before painting, the metal part must be thoroughly cleaned. A sprayer, pump, or some other sort of pressurized vessel is employed to deliver the wet paint. The paint is applied until the product is evenly coated with the desired thickness of paint.

Powder coating is a finishing process in which a coating is applied electrostatically to the metal’s surface as a dry powder, and heat is used to finalize the coating. The powder can be polyester, polyurethane, epoxy, and acrylics. As with painting, the product must be cleaned, giving close attention to the removal of any debris and oil which could prevent the dry powder from attaching correctly. 

Paint vs. Powder Coat CHARACTERISTICS

Both painting and powder coating provide a finish for metal parts that is available in a variety of colors, but that’s where the similarities end.

  • Durability: Powder coating results in a thick, dense finish of .006” to .010” on metal products. Along with its ability to bend and yield, the extra thickness can mean a more durable and longer-lasting finish than traditional painting, which dries to about .001”.
  • Quicker turnover: On-time delivery is essential today -- the sooner you get your parts returned, the better for your schedule. Powder coated products are quickly available for use. Wet painting (except for ceramic coating) can require multiple coats and a longer cure time.

  • Environmental: The environment is a universal concern. It’s good to know that powder coating is an environmentally safe finishing process. Powder coating residual is safely disposed of.


Van Industries uses only the highest quality powders, and our comprehensive powder coating process ensures consistent, high-quality results every time. To learn more about our painting and powder coating services, click here to contact us, or click below for more information. 




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